Monday, May 18, 2009

Week 4: Using RFID technology to track outdoor assets

We've run through the introduction to tracking of outdoor assests using RFID technology. A typical implementation of such tracking system would be in the Automotive Manufacturing Industry environment.

  • A brand new car from the manufacturing plant is unloaded from a trunk
  • Car's ID number and bar-coded instructions pertaining to the details of this car is scanned into an RFID tag which is hung in on the car's rear-view mirror
  • Car is move to a vacant parking lot
  • The location receivers read the tag and reflect the exact car location on the map at the selt-service kiosk

These are some of key benefits for implementing such a tracking system:
  • Ensure visibility of all vehicles in the premise
  • Provide up-to-date information of the vehicle details
  • Locate a vehicle quickly and easily (save timea and cost)
  • Generate accurate inventory report
  • Prevent theft and misplace of vehicle

Exercise A: Activating Tags using AeroScout Tag Manager and Activator
Tag on the right hand side comes with call button functionality where you can configure to send messages when the button is pressed or released. Each Tag carries a unique MAC (media access control) address that the location engine uses it to identify the identify of the assets that are being tagged.

I learnt how to activate them and use it in my application.

Exercise B: Configure the tracking system using AeroScout Engine

The AeroScout Engine is the software responsible for processing the data received from the field to compute the real-time positioning of the assests.

I learnt how to download map, configure location receivers and exciters to track the vehicle in the parking lots

Exercise C: Analyze presence, choke-point & real-time location using AeroScout Engine

I observed the different way of reporting an asset location and learnt how to activate tag positioning in the AeroScout Engine

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