Monday, June 1, 2009

Week 6 - E-learning

There were two tasks need to be completed in this week.

1. eLearning Assignment & Quiz

We need to refer properly to the link and attempt the quiz with 10 questions. That was a good chance to test my knowledge and understanding about RFID. All the questions are not so difficult but require to think carefully before choosing the correct answer.

2. Assigment 1 Powerpoint

We need to give our feedback /comment on the Assignment 1 Powepoint presentation of our classmates. Each group has its own perspective so every group is different and they are all interesting. Some groups have strength in analysing answers, some groups are good at giving examples, some groups design ppt very well, etc.

I have found that e-learning is a good chance to improve study sucess by applying the current knowledge, doing research, discussing, ...